The mission: Save dogs from the painful and often deadly effects of Lyme disease and Leptospirosis by educating their owners.

The how: Turn a relatively unknown issue into simple, easy to digest marketing collateral that not only informs on this diseases and the power of Elanco’s vaccines, but engages with fun pet-owner statistics.

The why: Because dogs are awesome.

Agency / Colle McVoy
Design Director / Diana Quenomoen
Designers / Carli Bruckmueller
Copywriter / Bryce Boyle Hoban

After sending out a nation-wide survey asking pet owners about their relationship with their pets, we created our North Star for Wag Stats—this kick-ass infographic.

To entice the reader, we started things off with our fun stats.

We sprinkled in Lyme and Lepto facts to start seeding the idea of where we were heading.

After the quirky stats, we make the turn into the serious stuff.

The stats in the section are illustrative of the “Love-action gap”. While pet owners say their pet’s health is high priority, there is still much they can do—especially when it comes to Lyme and Lepto.

To further drive the point home, we give them the full rundown of the dangers of these diseases.

It was important that we properly relayed just how close to home these diseases are, and then it’s not just the woods where infections can occur.

It’s not all doom and gloom though. We end with' our truth (“Vaccinated pets have more fun!”) and a CTA to speak with vets.

Landing Page

<——————— Meet Wagner - Wag Stats’ official mascot.


What’s an infographic without a home?

Social Posts + Ads

And what’s a landing page without social posts to drive users to it?