Quick Hits

One day, I will own a Vizsla named Tofte (after the quaint township located on the North Shore).

My favorite dinosaur is the Iguanodon (with much respect given to Saltasaurus).

I stayed up all night to make sure that MPR Raccoon—who is a damn hero—survived.

I invest way too much of my life into the Minnesota Twins (pour one out for the 18 straight postseason losses thank you, Royce Lewis).

My Instagram hashtags and captions have been described as “priceless” and possessing ”so much truth,” in addition to being ”on point” and “something to be proud of.”

My favorite GoT character is Beric Dondarrion, due to his general badassery and Richard Dormer’s soothing voice.

I listen to The War on Drugs’ “‘An Ocean In Between the Waves’ Live on KEXP” daily (and the guitar solo hourly).

I have a fake tooth from an airsoft gun incident (try going your entire Fr. year of college with a gap tooth—2/10 wouldn’t recommend!!!)

I love writing.