To combat declining car count in Goodyear retail stores, we set out to help define a 2 for 22 initiative to bring in two more cars per day in 2022.

Our goal was to generate excitement and activate a sales culture through design and messaging.

Agency / Colle McVoy
Design Director / Diana Quenomoen
Designers / Carli Bruckmueller, Kassi Ferry
Copywriter / Bryce Boyle Hoban

2 For 22 Collateral

Ensuring that individuals felt recognized for their hard work was a key goal of 2 For 22. To make it easier for managers to recognize great work, templated email headers were created.

We created pins to be given along with a note card and pre-written headlines that managers could award to their employees.

Goodyear had a laundry list of tasks for each member of their service shops. We fine-tuned the language around these tasks, sorting them into categories and presenting them in 2 For 22 branded posters.

To ensure shops were on track to meet their goals, we created this branded tracker.